Tuesday, January 15, 2008

It's all Hand Sanding Now

This was the fifth day of working on  construction.  I was very close to being able to f*** the whole project with one slip of the rotary sander so it was all sanding by hand from then on out.  Every rub of the sandpaper was carefully thought out because I didn't want to do irreversible damage to the design.  Basically what I'm trying to say is that now everything is happening very slowly.

If you compare the sides of the face surfaces 
to the pictures in the last post, 
you can see the extra shaving 
that took place to resize the "face".

I also spend a good deal of time smoothing out 
the transition from the visor incline to the main dome shape 
of the main part of the helmet.

Day's Total Work Time: 1 Hour 20 Minutes


Anonymous said...

Looking good man, keep up the good work! Can't wait to see it finished!

Anonymous said...

Looks good - and good to see someone recording how they are doing it. Jumping forwards a bit have you thought how to get that nice shiny chrome finish?

Good luck and keep going!

mnellykid said...

I am planning on coating the whole thing with a thin coat of BONDO then painting it metallic silver, then finishing it with a gloss.

Anonymous said...

Awesome. i definitely want to see this finished project. Keep it up. What are you using for the LED visor?